Community of Catholic Scholarship
Join our academic mission to generate a culture whose members “see life in its deeper meaning, its beauty and its invitation to freedom and responsibility” (Evangelium vitae, 83).
Community of Catholic Scholarship
Join our academic mission to generate a culture whose members “see life in its deeper meaning, its beauty and its invitation to freedom and responsibility” (Evangelium vitae, 83).
Community of Catholic Scholarship
Join our academic mission to generate a culture whose members “see life in its deeper meaning, its beauty and its invitation to freedom and responsibility” (Evangelium vitae, 83).

Understanding the Human Person in Terms of Love
The Institute is devoted to the study of the truth about the human person in all of its dimensions: theological, philosophical, anthropological, and cosmological-scientific. In light of John Paul II’s realization that without love man is incomprehensible to himself (Redemptor Hominis, 10), the Institute centers its study of the person in the original community of human society: marriage and family. Nuptiality opens the person to the truth of love, and from this, unlocks the truth of all reality.

Mar 19 2025
If you are interested in pursuing graduate studies in Theology, don’t miss this opportunity! Join us and learn about the mission of the Pontifical John…

Apr 24 2025
The Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family is delighted to invite you to participate in an Open House on Thursday, April…

May 20 2025
How do we find ourselves unable to affirm a fundamental element of human experience—the reality and givenness of our being differentiated as male and female,…

Mar 27 2025
Institute News
The John Paul II Institute remembers with gratitude the life of Dr. Mary Shivanandan, who was both a graduate of the Washington Session (S.T.L. ’91, S.T.D….

Nov 26 2024
Institute News
The Council of the Institute, including the Vice Presidents of all the world-wide Sessions, met in Rome on November 21-23 for the dies academicus to mark…

Jul 25 2024
Institute News
The John Paul II Institute’s Humanum Academic Press is pleased to announce two recent publications:Communicating Life: Karol Wojtyla and Humanae Vitaeby…

Jun 12 2024
Institute News
From May 20 to the 24, the John Paul II Institute hosted its second Summer Fellowship on “Gender, Technology, and Culture.” Twenty-two students enjoyed…

May 29 2024
Institute News
Dr. Nicholas Healy, Associate Professor of Philosophy and Culture, speaks with Jacob Fowler, host of Canon 211 on the Paleocrat Diaries about the Christian…

Philosophy, Revelation, and the Christening of Thought

Musical Harmony as Love Made Audible: Ideals for Musical Literacy

Education and the Catholic Imagination

The Symbolic Formation of the Heart

Quaerere Deum: What Is Education and Why Is It Catholic?
Why Study at the Pontifical John Paul II Institute?
We are called to be witnesses and educators of authentic Christian life with the ability to engage the questions of the world in view of its divine destiny.
Pope John Paul II founded the Institute upon the idea that there is a reciprocal in-dwelling between anthropological reflection and reflection on marriage.
“The truth about man is the way to know the truth about marriage; the truth about marriage is the way to know the truth about man. Reflection on marriage is the crossroads where all these issues meet: the truth of love and sexuality, the truth of freedom, the truth of the genealogy of the person, and of human society” (Cardinal Carlo Caffarra, Graduation Address to the Washington Session, May 10, 2016).
We are committed to the whole of the theological tradition in fidelity to the magisterium, avoiding the fragmentation caused by extreme progressivism or rigid traditionalism. We believe that the aim of a genuine theological education is to receive the tradition in a prayerful receptivity, drawing on what is true, good, and beautiful, while embracing authentic development in the Church. We also engage the works of the Western tradition and of our own age so that we may understand man in his concrete situation and bring the wisdom of the Church’s tradition to the contemporary questions of our culture.
In contrast to our culture that tends to minimize education to a mere transfer of data, an authentic pedagogy requires both student and teacher to enter into a community in pursuit of knowledge and wisdom. We strive to offer a theological education that is dedicated, in both content and form, to the truth of the human person, who is made for communion with both God and man.
The Washington D.C. session was founded as the first international chapter of the Pontifical John Paul II Institute.
The Institute’s student-faculty ratio allows for one-on-one mentorship and encourages community among students united in a life-giving mission.
A high percentage of our full-time students receive scholarships from the Institute through the generosity of the Knights of Columbus.
Featured Faculty

Nicholas Healy
M.T.S. Program Advisor

Michael Hanby

Antonio López, F.S.C.B.
Professor of Systematic Theology

Margaret Harper McCarthy

Joseph C. Atkinson
S.T.L. and S.T.D. Program Advisor
Peter Martin
S.T.L. ’10
Director of the Office of Life, Marriage & Family and Communications, Diocese of Winona-Rochester
“Having this great network of friends and colleagues who have also studied at the Institute allows me to find ways to care for the needs of the people in the Diocese in a way that respects the dignity of the person and their vocation to love.”
Institute Publications

Humanum Review: Issues in Family, Culture, and Science
An online journal, Humanum is about the human: what makes us human, what keeps us human, and what does not. We sift through the competing ideas of our age so that we might “hold fast to what is good.”

Humanum Academic Press
HAP offers contemporary scholarship in metaphysics and philosophical and theological anthropology. The focus is on works that deepen the teaching of the Second Vatican Council or develop a theology and an anthropology of love in light of pivotal thinkers, including Wojtyła, Ratzinger, Guardini, and von Balthasar.
Apply Now
After the January deadline, admissions continue on a rolling basis for the spaces that remain available.
You may apply online or download an application and send with supporting documents to the Office of Admissions.