This doctoral seminar offers a careful reading of St. Augustine’s De Trinitate. At a time in which it is ever more crucial for theological reflection to have solid foundations, this seminar is dedicated to learning with the help of Augustine what it means to contemplate the mystery of God, what God has revealed about himself, and what the Christological revelation of the Deus Trinitas discloses of the mystery of the human being. This text, which has shaped the Church’s trinitarian dogmatic reflection, was composed with the desire to address fundamental questions such as: (1) How does God’s action reveal his tri-personal being? (2) What does it mean to say that God is One and Triune? (3) What can be said of the person of the Holy Spirit? The seminar studies Augustine’s immensely rich work with the desire to listen to Augustine’s questions and answers while letting them open up new vistas that can help us think through and deepen our contemporary questions.
Selected Texts
Augustine, De Trinitate.

Antonio López, F.S.C.B.
Vice President
Professor of Systematic Theology
Rev. López teaches and writes in the areas of trinitarian theology, metaphysics, theological anthropology, and marriage. He serves as editor of Humanum Academic Press and of the English Critical Edition of the Works of Karol Wojtyła and John Paul II, a continuing series from CUA Press.
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