Recovering Origins: Hegel’s Trinitarian Claim - Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage & Family

Recovering Origins: Hegel’s Trinitarian Claim

Recovering Origins: Hegel’s Trinitarian Claim

JPI 969a
3 Credits

This seminar approaches Hegel’s understanding of absolute spirit with an eye to examining his account of the Triune Mystery as the exact opposite of an elucidation of the Triune God in terms of love and gift. The seminar studies how, thanks to its absolute negativity, the absolute spirit generates itself (immanent Trinity) and reaches its concreteness in the Holy Spirit and spiritual community by necessarily passing through the divine diremption (creation) and reconciliation. Hegel’s thought will be studied through a close reading of the following texts: Lectures of the Philosophy of Religion, Vol. 3: The Consummate Religion (years 1824 and 1827); Science of Logic (selections); Encyclopaedia (sections of Logic and of Philosophy of Spirit); Phenomenology of Spirit (selections).

Selected Texts


Rev. Antonio López, F.S.C.B.

Antonio López, F.S.C.B.

Vice President
Professor of Systematic Theology

Rev. López teaches and writes in the areas of trinitarian theology, metaphysics, theological anthropology, and marriage. He serves as editor of Humanum Academic Press and of the English Critical Edition of the Works of Karol Wojtyła and John Paul II, a continuing series from CUA Press.

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